Use Apt-P2P: a peer-to-peer proxy for apt downloads , to upgrade from Interpid to Jaunty



Similar to DebTorrent, Apt-P2P will act as a proxy between apt requests and a debian repository server, downloading any requested files from peers (if possible), but falling back to a direct HTTP download. Unlike DebTorrent, Apt-P2P will be simple, efficient, and fast.


* Downloads from peers, increasing the available bandwidth to the user

* Reduces the bandwidth requirements needed to setup a repository of packages

* Seamlessly integrates with the current APT tool

* Automatically falls back to downloading from an HTTP mirror when peers are not available

* Builds on other already existing tools where possible

* Fast and requires limited CPU and memory

* Will try to download any file it can find a hash for from peers (including Packages.bz2, Sources.gz, ...)

This software is open-source and is released at no charge under the terms of the GPL v2 license.


To get apt-p2p working on ubuntu :

Install apt-p2p in ubuntu

sudo aptitude install apt-p2p Configuring apt-p2p

Backup of your source list :

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup

Edit sources.list file

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add “localhost:9977? after the “http://” save and exit the file

deb http://localhost:9977/ intrepid partner

deb-src http://localhost:9977/ intrepid partner

deb http://localhost:9977/*mirror-address*/ubuntu/ intrepid main universe restricted multiverse

deb-src http://localhost:9977/*mirror-address*/ubuntu/ intrepid main universe restricted multiverse

Remove the cache files :

sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt-p2p/cache/*

Update the source :

sudo apt-get update

Start upgrade from Interpid to Jaunty

sudo update-manager -d

More info :apt-p2p

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