JavaScript vs Jquery+CoffeeScript
A simple collections of examples for doing most common tasks in Raw JavaScript vs Jquery+CoffeeScript.
This page is build by hand using CSS3 and HTML5
Use the navigation menu on the left to navigate to a particular sub topic, note this page does not make use of any JS ;) and is heavy inspired by Eric Bidelman's Jq vs JS
Finally in case of any bugs, please feel free to contact me
Document is ready?
// Raw JavaScript
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// body
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
$ -> code
Query Selectors
// Raw JavaScript
var links = document.querySelectorAll("a");
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
links = $ "a"
Creating a new Element
// Raw JavaScript
var newPara = document.createElement("p");
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
para = $ "<p>"
Add a class to an Element
// Raw JavaScript
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
para.addClass "bar"
Toggle a class to an Element
// Raw JavaScript
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
newPara.toggleClass "bar"
Add a click event to links
// Raw JavaScript
[]"a"), function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", function() {
// body
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
$("a").click -> code
Appened Element to body
// Raw JavaScript
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
$("body").append $("<p>")
Add an attribute to an Element
// Raw JavaScript
document.querySelector("img").setAttribute("alt", "Me");
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
$("img:first").attr "alt", "Me"
Get parent node
// Raw JavaScript
var parent = document.getElementById("contact").parentNode;
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
parent = $("#contact").parent()
Clone an element
// Raw JavaScript
var twin = document.getElementById("contact").cloned(true);
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
twin = $("#contact").clone()
Clear child nodes.
// Raw JavaScript
var contact = document.getElementById("contact");
while(contact.firstChild) contact.removeChild(contact.firstChild);
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
twin = $("#contact").empty()
Check if element has child nodes
// Raw JavaScript
if(!document.getElementById("contact").hasChildNodes()) { ... }
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
if $("#contact").is(":empty")
Get the next sibling of an element
// Raw JavaScript
var nextKin = document.getElementById("contact").nextSibling;
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
nextKin = $("#contact").next()
Ajax calls.
// Raw JavaScript
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","/", false);
// CoffeeScript+jQuery
$.ajax '/',
type: 'GET'
dataType: 'html'
error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) ->
$('body').append "AJAX Error: #{textStatus}"
success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
$('body').append "Successful AJAX call: #{data}"