Shell Scripting Prerequisite #1

Basic commands of UNIX/Linux
1. cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output.
Ex: cat hemanth.txt { would print the contents of the file , or would create if FNF}
2. cd-change the directory to , from present working directory.
Ex: cd /tmp { change to tmp from the pwd}
3. chmod - change file mode bits.
Ex: chmod 777 *.* { give read , write and execute permission to all files , in the pwd}
4. cp - copy files and directories
Ex: cp hemanth.txt /tmp/hmh.txt
5. date - print or set the system date and time
Ex : date { o/p => Sat Jan 10 16:39:02 IST 2009}
6. echo - display a line of text
7. env - run a program in a modified environment
8. export -Set an environment variable. Mark each name to be passed to child processes in the environment
9. less - opposite of more { I'm not kidding , you will get know }
10. grep- searches the named input FILEs or standard input
for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN.
11. mkdir - make directories
12. more - file perusal filter for crt viewing
13. mv - move (rename) files
14. pwd - print name of current/working directory
15. rm - remove files or directories
16. rmdir - remove empty directories
17. touch - change file timestamps
18. wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
These are nothing more than the names and one line about them , you will get to know more on how to use them and there options , in the next prerequisite :)

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