Google Data Python Library
Steps to start :
1. Download from : gdata
2. tar -xvf
3. cd
4. chmod 777 *
5. sudo ./ install
Thats it !!
Now do a small test :
* Blogger
* Contacts
* Google Calendar
* Google Documents List
* Picasa Web Albums
* Google Spreadsheets
* Google Webmaster Tools
* YouTube
1. Download from : gdata
2. tar -xvf
3. cd
4. chmod 777 *
5. sudo ./ install
Thats it !!
Now do a small test :
o/p must be something like this :
Running all tests in module gdata_test* Google Base
Ran 7 tests in 0.025s
Running all tests in module atom_test
Ran 42 tests in 0.016s
Using this , you can write your own apps for the following :
* Blogger
* Contacts
* Google Calendar
* Google Documents List
* Picasa Web Albums
* Google Spreadsheets
* Google Webmaster Tools
* YouTube

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