Functions in Shell Scripts
Functions are easy to define in scripting :
function function_name
function --> keyword .
function_name---> valid identifier .
Example :
today=$(date +"%x %r ")
function todayIS
echo $today
Output will be : Monday 26 January 2009 10:04:59 PM IST {something like this}
It is simple easy and yet very powerful to use functions(methods) in your code :).
Be careful in selecting the function and variable names , note that it wont conflict with the reserved keywords of the shell like PATH,HOME etc
function function_name
function --> keyword .
function_name---> valid identifier .
Example :
today=$(date +"%x %r ")
function todayIS
echo $today
Output will be : Monday 26 January 2009 10:04:59 PM IST {something like this}
It is simple easy and yet very powerful to use functions(methods) in your code :).
Be careful in selecting the function and variable names , note that it wont conflict with the reserved keywords of the shell like PATH,HOME etc

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