Arrays in Python

Variables can be organized in a particular pattern called Arrays .

There are four basic types of arrays :
  1. List
  2. Tuples
  3. Dicitionary
  4. Sets


  • List is an ordered collection of variables .
  • A list is created using square brackets [ ] .
  • List is indexed , so you can accesses the objects/elements in the list using them.
  • len() , append() , insert () , del , are the few common functions which are used to operate on the list to find its length , append new elements , insert elements and delete the whole list or specific index respectively .
Examples :

#creating a list
>>> colors = ["red","green","blue",3]

#printing the contents of the list
>>> colors
['red', 'green', 'blue', 3]

# indexed access
>>> colors[0]

# 0 is the first element , -1 is the last !
>>> colors[-1]

# Starting from 0 print two elements
>>> colors[0:2]
['red', 'green']

>>> colors[-2]

# Error !
>>> colors[-9]
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? colors[-9] IndexError: list index out of range

# Appending an element to the list >>> colors.append('white')
>>> colors
['red', 'green', 'blue', 3, 'white']

# Most common mistake , while using len()
>>> colors.len()
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? colors.len() AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'len' # The correct way
>>> len(colors)

# Most common error while deleting
>>> del colors[len(colors)]
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? del colors[len(colors)] IndexError: list assignment index out of range

# The correct way
>>> del colors[len(colors)-1]
>>> colors
['red', 'green', 'blue', 3]

# Inserting an element
>>> colors.insert(0,'black')
>>> colors
['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 3]


Tuples are twins brother of List , they don't obey to you unlike his brother List , they are not flexible , you can't modify them once defined.

To define a tuple we use commas "," ; Parenthesis may also be used to make it more clear.

Examples :

>>> binary = '1','0'

# or
>>> binary = ('1','0')

>>> binary

# for both the output is
>>> ('1', '0')

Rather interesting , we can group them up to form meaning full tuple

>>> ego = 'i','me','myself',('bad','very bad','worst')

>>> ego

# o/p will be

('i', 'me', 'myself', ('bad', 'very bad', 'worst'))


Dictionaries cousins of lists, and they are mutable i.e once declared and defined can be modified.

Properties of dictionaries :
  • Elements in a dictionary are not bound to numbers.
  • {Key:value} pair makes up an element of a dictionary.
  • Call the key , you get the value.
Examples :

# creating
>>> places = {"Bangalore": "India", "NY" : "US","London":"UK"}

# displaying
>>> places
{'NY': 'US', 'Bangalore': 'India', 'London': 'UK'}

# retrieving
>>> places["Bangalore"]

# note it's case sensitive , therefore a KeyError
>>> places["bangalore"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
KeyError: 'bangalore'

# resetting the value of the key
>>> places["NY"] = "India"

>>> places
{'NY': 'India', 'Bangalore': 'India', 'London': 'UK'}


An unordered "list" , which does not allow duplicate values are know as sets .

Properties of sets :
  • Elements of a set are neither bound to a number nor to a keys.
  • Are faster for huge number of items than a list or tuple and sets provide fast data manipulations.

Examples :
>>> luckyNum = set([(1,3,5,7),'lucky',(0,0,13),'unlucky'])

>>> luckyNum
set([(0, 0, 13), 'unlucky', (1, 3, 5, 7), 'lucky'])

This was just a toddler on Arrays , there are loads more to do with them :)

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