I/O in Python
Reading or Writing to an I/O device is very much easier than reading Human mind!
The first on amongst the many functions in Python which helps in I/O is raw_input()
raw_input(); the name itself suggests , the input is in the raw format , that is it's simply returns the string read from the user {ending with new line char}. An argument to it , is displayed as a prompt before the user enters the data.
Ex :
print raw_input('What is your name?')
o/p : What is your name ? { waits until user types and hits enter }
Next up is input() , it uses raw_input to read a string of data, and then attempts to evaluate the same and return the value of evaluation.
x = input('Give me 5 random numbers please')
if the user enters 1 2 3 4 5 , the input function will return me a list {1,2,3,4,5} !!
File Input
File can be handled very easily in python , the following example makes it clear.
for line in open('try.txt', 'r'):
print line[0]
Two lines to open read and print the lines in the file , on to the console!!
Line one is to open the file , it can be 'r', 'w', or 'rw', or any combination of them and the read data is stored in the line variable and is looped till EOF .
Line two as simple as it is , printing the data read in the loop.
P.S : The looping can be done in other was also
__stdin__, __stdout__, and __stderr__ are standard file objected defined in sys module .
The simple example on how to use sys module is shown below :
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
print line
This reads line form user and prints it on the stdout , it's read from stdin.
Different functions in the sys library can be found in : sys
Similarly sys.stdout.write can be used to write
import sys
write = sys.stdout.write
the o/p will be : heman
This is just a simple post , an glimpse on the giant mountain called I/O in python.
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