Bash Script to resize images
One of my firends wanted this , so i explained him stepwise how to do it , then thought why not a script , here it is :
#! /bin/bash
if hash zenity 2>/dev/null; then
if hash mogrify 2>/dev/null; then
loc=$(${ZENITY} --file-selection --title="Select a File" --directory)
cd $loc
mkdir resized
cp $loc/* $loc/rz/
cd rz
size=$(zenity --title "Give the required resize value" --entry --text "Resize value")
type=$(zenity --title "Give the file type you want to resize " --entry --text "File type")
mogrify -resize $size! *.$type | ( zenity --width=400 --height=100 --progress --title="Please wait " --text="......." --percentage=0)
zenity --info --text="Operation completed"
echo "Installing the dependcies"
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install zenity
exit 0;
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