Right click Find subtitles
Right click on video and say find subtitles that's it !!
This wiki pages shows you the steps to add periscope support into Nautilus by simply doing a right-click "Download subtitles" on a video file.
* Install python support in nautilus by installing python-nautilus and python-notify that shows notification on the bottom-right of your screen:
For Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install python-nautilus python-notify
* Install periscope : python-periscope
* Copy the periscope-nautilus.py script into the ~/.nautilus/python-extensions
cd ~/.nautilus/python-extensions
wget http://periscope.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/bin/periscope-nautilus.py
* If you want to change the default languages, run periscope once, a file named "config" will be created under ~/.config/periscope. Update this file to reflect your prefered languages. They can be separated by comas, so:
lang = en
lang = en,fr
* Restart nautilus otherwise it does not take into account the newly added scripts by typing in a terminal nautilus -q
* Open nautilus and go to a location where you have video files. Right-click on a video and wait for the notification to see if a match was found.
Now , right click on any movie and click find subtitles for this movie , and thats it you are done , you will have a srt file next to your movie .

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