Bash made better with shopt
1.Enable automatic typo correction for directory names
shopt -s cdspell
hemanth@ubuntu:/var/log$ cd /tp /tmp hemanth@ubuntu:/tmp$ hemanth@ubuntu:/$ cd /hom /home hemanth@ubuntu:/home$ hemanth@ubuntu:/home$ cd /mt /mnt hemanth@ubuntu:/mnt$
2.Enable ** to expand files recursively (>=bash-4.0)
shopt -s globstar
3.Avoiding history file to be overwritten
shopt -s histappend
4.Enable cd by variable names
shopt -s cdable_vars</cdoe> <b>5.Bash autocomplete case insensitive search</b> <code>shopt -s nocaseglob
6.Auto cd on ~ to /home/user (>=bash-4.0)
shopt -s autocd
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