Classes in JavaScript ES6
Well, well... there are so many JavaScript frameworks that already try to implement classes as per the classical Object Oriented Class definition.
But, with harmony (ES6) implementing classes like classical OO shall be possible.
This might be something like the IPv6 boom, most of the JavaScript hackers are used to making use of first class functions as classes and that shall remain along with this paradigm, is what I feel personally.
Let's see few of the famous frameworks, that make use of classes :
// Mootools var Monkey = new Class({ initialize: function(name){ = name; } }); // Prototype var Monkey = Class.create({ initialize: function(name) { = name; } }); // YUI var Monkey = Y.Base.create('monkey', null, [], { initializer: function(name) { = name; } }); // dojo var Monkey = declare(null, { constructor: function(name){ = name; } });
But now with ES6 (harmony) :
class Person { constructor(name) { = name; this.movement = "walks"; } move(meters) { console.log(<code>${} ${this.movement} ${meters}m.</code>); } } class Hero extends Person { constructor(name, movement) { = name; this.movement = movement; } move() { super.move(500); } } let clark = new Person("Clark Kent"); let superman = new Hero("Superman", "flies"); clark.move(100); // -> Clark Kent walks 100m. superman.move(); // -> Superman flies 500m. /* Make a note of: class Base {} class Derived extends Base {} //Here, Derived.prototype will inherit from Base.prototype. let parent = {}; class Derived prototype parent {} */
Grammar :
ClassElement :
Constructor :
constructor ( FormalParameterList? ) { ConstructorBody }
ConstructorBody :
ConstructorElement :
Statement // but not ReturnStatement
PrototypePropertyDefinition :
public ExportableDefinition
Identifier ( FormalParameterList? ) { FunctionBody } // method
get Identifier ( ) { FunctionBody } // getter
set Identifier ( FormalParameter ) { FunctionBody } // setter
ClassPropertyDefinition :
static ExportableDefinition
InstancePropertyDefinition :
public ExportableDefinition
ExportableDefinition :
VariableDeclarationList ; // data properties
Identifier ( FormalParameterList? ) { FunctionBody } // method
get Identifier ( ) { FunctionBody } // getter
set Identifier ( FormalParameter ) { FunctionBody } // setter
MemberAdjective ExportableDefinition
MemberAdjective :
// attribute control
Inheritance in JavaScript :
class Base {} class Derived extends Base {} //Here, Derived.prototype will inherit from Base.prototype. let parent = {}; class Derived prototype parent {}
Classical Object Oriented Class with JavaScript is still debatable, but with this paradigm a clear line shall be drawn between Classes and Functions. JavaScript isn't a pure functional language. In fact it's rather multi-paradigm but How useful this will be? Is it needed?
Do read about Harmonious Classes.
Let me try to demonstrate how it might or might not be useful :
So far JavaScript hacker are used of implementing classes as :
Using a function.
Internal methods and prototype based inheritances.
Using object literals
But now, with this syntax in place it might be useful to draw clear lines between classes and functions.
On the other hand, with functions emulating whatever classical OO classes do, we might as well code and understand the code easily.
Update 0:
Tentative addition of Class Definitions Syntax and Semantics in 13.5 based upon Maximally Minimal Strawman. NOTE-Classes do not yet have full consensus within TC39 and may not survive.
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