CLI twitpic
FILE: cli-twitpic.bash
USAGE: ./cli-twitpic.bash
DESCRIPTION: Allows you to upload pic from cli to twitpic and # also update the same as you status in twitter
BUGS: ---
NOTES: ---
AUTHOR: Hemanth H.M (), [email protected]
CREATED: 03/06/2010 01:45:02 AM IST
Fields to post in (post data should be formatted as multipart/form-data):
- media (required) - Binary image data
- username (required) - Twitter username
- password (required) - Twitter password
- message (optional) - Message to post to twitter. The URL of the #image is automatically added.
Sample response:
Read input to an array BASHv4 only, other version tweak to code # to read -a to read it to normal array or use individual variables
Declares an associative array called data
declare -A data
data[USER]=$1 data[PASS]=$2 data[PIC]="$3" data[TWIT]=$4
Validate inputs
for key in USER PASS PIC TWIT; do [[ data[$key]="" ]] && echo "Enter $key:" && read data[$key] done
Check if the pic file exists
[[ -f ${data[PIC]} ]] || echo Error: FileNotFound ${data[PIC]} && exit 1
echo Uploading... $CURL \ --form username=$TWITTER_USER \ --form password=$TWITTER_PW \ --form media=@"$PHOTO" \ --form message="$TWEET_MSG" $UPLOAD_URL
Check if all went fine
[[ $? = 6 ]] && echo "Error will uploading! Check credentials" && exit 1 echo "Pic uploaded!"

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