Customizing Bespin

Customizing Bespin with syntax and code highlighting
Read the intro to bespin before you continue
Python 2.5 with simplejson or Python 2.6

Peek into :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Simple script to run dryice conveniently in the Customizable package
import sys
import os
mydir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(mydir, "lib"))
from dryice import tool

Sample json {manifest} :

    "output_dir": "tmp",
    "plugins": ["Embedded", "HTML", "JavaScript"],
    "include_sample": true

mainfest options :
include_core_test => includes SproutCore's CoreTest unit testing framework
include_sample => sample.html is generated in output_dir
output_dir => Final destination
plugins => list of plugins, need not specify the dependencies for the build!
search_path => provide a list of relative or absolute paths to search for plugins {from the pwd}.

Getting started :
hemanth@bespin $ python sample.json
dryice: the Bespin build tool
Using build manifest: sample.json
Placing output in tmp

Exploring and Expanding :

tmp contents 

Based on the the json the editor would look like this:Bespin

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