Firefox 3.6 with full HTML 5 API support
As the latest firfox came up was were happy to read the below in there site :
"Currently, an entirely new spec is being drafted for file objects and handling within HTML5. It will provide a much more robust interface for accessing content in local files, in addition to extending functionality for file objects within Javascript/DOM. The primary additions include:
* Drag n' drop of local files into a web page.
* Asynchronous file data access via callback methods.
* Sending file objects via XMLHttpRequest.
* Improved file dialog window that allows for multiple file selection and file-type filtering (bug pending)
* Manipulating files with JS worker threads via postMessage (bug pending)
* Storing file objects within the localStorage/sessionStorage APIs (aaaaand bug pending)"
Was trying HTML5 with beta relases of firefox 3.6, the below the tags i liked the most.
My Top 10 HTML5 tags :
1.audo and video tags : say yes to OGG.
2.ruby tag : define a ruby annotation.
3.output tag : use output of scripts.
4.embed tag: can be used to embed plugins!
5.dialog tag: converstational output.
6.canvas tag: container for graphics.
7.datalist tag: a dropdown list !
8.articel tag: defines an article.
9.nav tag: for nativagtion keys.
10.mao tag: defines a map image.
So what are you waiting for experminet and enjoy GET FF
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