Get node details from Drupal
Currently I'm trying to migrate my blog from drupal to something must lighter, migrating data is indeed the first step!
A simple SQL statement was very useful to get the node details, which will be very useful in making a custom made CMS.
This is very tiny entry in my blog to remind me that the migration is still pending!
"SELECT node.nid as id,
node.status as status,
revision.title as title,
revision.body as body
FROM node_revisions as revision
JOIN node as node
ON node.nid = revision.nid
WHERE node.status = 1
ORDER BY node.nid
The above got simple does the below :
Gets the id and status from node table.
Gets Title and body from revisions table.
For all linked node and revisions which is published (i.e status = 1 and ids are same).
Orders them by node id from the latest to oldest entries.
Hope this helps the one who is pawing at some raw Drupal data!

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