Invalid HTML in Google's homepage
When validating my homepage /me got 1Error and 1warning, was curious to paw more! validator says : 37 Errors, 2 warning(s) on validation of!
Edit 1 : It says : 39 Errors, 2 warning(s)
/me loves reading obfuscated code, with javascript in view on of the most obfuscated code can be found in the source pages of google pages, may it be gmail, g+ or even their 404 page! It's fun reading it.
But for my shock here are the list of errors that was found in
Including errors like :
- Attribute width not allowed on element div at this point.
- The center element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
- The clear attribute on the br element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. Many more
- End of file seen and there were open elements!!
- Unclosed element center!!
List of other sites that failed :
Stopped after that!
Some of them that passed :
Yes indeed the HTML5 parser is rapidly changing and this stats might be wrong sooner, but just for some study this data was collected and shared!

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