Synchronize remote hosts

A simple script to sync remote hosts, steps to achieve it :

1.Avoid SCP prompting for password [ local host ] => ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 2048 -f ~/

2.SCP the key for the first time to the [ remote host ] =>

scp ~/ remoteuser@remotehost:/home/remoteuser/

  1. In remote host : [ Authorize the Host from which key was received ]

if [ ! -d .ssh ]; then mkdir .ssh chmod 700 .ssh fi mv .ssh/ cd .ssh/ if [ ! -f authorized_keys ]; then touch authorized_keys chmod 600 authorized_keys ; fi cat >> authorized_keys

"rsync + Cron jobs" to keep both the hosts in sync :



RSYNC=/usr/bin/rsync SSH=/usr/bin/ssh KEY=/home/whoami/ LOCAL_PATH=/sync/dir REMOTE_USER=remote-user REMOTE_HOST=remote-host REMOTE_PATH=/remote/dir



Setting up cron

mv /etc/cron.daily/


crontab -e

0 5 * * 5 /home/you/

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