TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String
TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String in Ruby So what?
Exectuing the above code will result in :
TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String
It so happens that the String#include? takes only a string argument not a regular expression, as the below code makes it clear.
TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String in Ruby So what?
Exectuing the above code will result in :
TypeError: can't convert Regexp into String
It so happens that the String#include? takes only a string argument not a regular expression, as the below code makes it clear.
rb_str_include(VALUE str, VALUE arg)
long i;
i = rb_str_index(str, arg, 0);
if (i == -1) return Qfalse;
return Qtrue;
What next?
- 1. Override String's method! [ Not advised].
- 2. Search for alternatives.
Hunting for alternatives, /me came across a simple construct in ruby :
=> false
[2] pry(main)> "hemanth is testing" =~ /hemanth/
<hemanth> => 0
[3] pry(main)> "hemanth is testing"["hemanth"]
[4] pry(main)> "hemanth is testing"[/hemanth/]
<hemanth> => "hemanth"
#holy goodness!
Kool is in't ? String["sub-string"] or String[/R.E/] works! This solves the issue with a easy and a simple trick that also one to grep through any give string easily.
Update May-2-2012 : On of the comments @ reddit read :
'the string4321: the string1234'[/:\D+(\d+)/, 1]
=> '1234'
Update May-3-2012 More civilized way of handling this issue :
def contains_text(text,target)
if target.kind_of? Regexp
elsif target.kind_of? String
raise TypeError, "Argument #{target} should be a string or regexp."
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