typeof JavaScript tweaked
Most of the programming critters pawing at JavaScript would have used the typeof operator that returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand.
But the well know confusing with typeof, is the string it returns!
- typeof [] => "object"
- typeof {} => "object"
- typeof null => "object"
The below is a simple, but very effective tweak for the typeof operator
var _types = {
'undefined': 'undefined',
'[object Number]' : 'Number',
'[object Boolean]' : 'Boolean',
'[object String]' : 'String',
'[object Function]' : 'Function',
'[object RegExp]' : 'RegExp',
'[object Array]' : 'Array',
'[object Date]' : 'Date',
'[object Error]' : 'Error',
'[object Object]' : 'Object',
'[object Boolean]' : 'Boolean'
Object.freeze(_types); // To avoid further manipulation.
return _types[Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)];
Let's do a simple test!
["Object", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Number", "Boolean", "String", undefined]
Thus said and done, indeed there are many other ways of doing the same, do let me know your way!
Edit 0
Inspired by the suggestion given be Altreus below, I felt a isa() would be very useful in the Object prototype!
So here is the one liner for isa() implementation
Now we have isa() for every object..... We can have more fun?!
If one feels using isa() is more easier, then there is a bit of change in the invocation. The invocation must be something like ({}).isa(), ([]).isa(), (new Date()).isa(), (new RegExp()).isa(), (1).isa(), (true).isa(), ("hemanth.hm").isa() , (undefined).isa() so on!
Edit 1
As per Jake Verbaten suggestion, instead of adding enumerable property for Object.prototype, it's better to use Object.defineProperty() as :
configurable: true,
value: function () {return Object.prototype.toString.call(this).match(/\[object (.+)\]/)[1];}
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