Node packing made easy with grunt
Publish node packages with npm is easier done than said! ;) First of all check out Hitchhikers guide to npm
After which, install grunt! npm install -g grunt
and then the fun begins.
Below is a simple example of how to publish node packages with grunt+npm :
$ mkdir test # Replace it with your package name.
$ grunt init:node
Running "init:node" (init) task
This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based
on the environment and the answers to a few questions.
Note that answering "?" to any question will show question-specific help and
answering "none" to most questions will leave its value blank.
"node" template notes:
Project name shouldn't contain "node" or "js" and should be a unique ID not
already in use at
Please answer the following:
[?] Project name (test)
[?] Description (The best project ever.)
[?] Version (0.1.0)
[?] Project git repository (git://
[?] Project homepage (
[?] Project issues tracker (
[?] Licenses (MIT)
[?] Author name (Hemanth.HM)
[?] Author email ([email protected])
[?] Author url (none)
[?] What versions of node does it run on? (>= 0.6.0)
[?] Main module/entry point (lib/test)
[?] Npm test command (grunt test)
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N) n
Writing .npmignore...OK
Writing grunt.js...OK
Writing lib/test.js...OK
Writing test/test_test.js...OK
Initialized from template "node".
$ tree
├── grunt.js
├── lib
│ └── test.js
├── npm-debug.log
├── package.json
└── test
└── test_test.js
2 directories, 7 files
$ npm publish #Ofcourse, after editing the boiler code as per need.
WISH : Debian packaging was as easy as this!
Built-in tasks As of now, grunt has the following predefined tasks that you can use in your project:
- concat - Concatenate files.
- init - Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template.
- lint - Validate files with [JSHint][jshint].
- min - Minify files with [UglifyJS][uglify].
- qunit - Run [QUnit][qunit] unit tests in a headless [PhantomJS][phantom] instance.
- server - Start a static web server.
- test - Run unit tests with [nodeunit][nodeunit].
- watch - Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change.
Happy Hacking! :)
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